Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.


Great cartoon! Although, is having all white candidates any worse than hearing Alan Keyes speak?
Hey Jim!
I just want you to know that I think you're a huge jerk whos only purpose is to divide people through the little cartoons you draw.
You are nothing more than worthless payroll. You draw cartoons that display problems but offer no solutions. You're a big man.
Wow... to anon 9:21...
take a deep breath. First, this is a blog to discuss cartoons, not bash an accomplished cartoonist (the Pulitzer speaks for itself) who has had a very successful career.
Borgman's cartoons are meant to provoke thought... if those thoughts make you angry or uncomfortable, you have your own issues to work out. Leave the cartoonist alone.
To 4:46 PM Rob Tornoe--Hearing Alan Keyes is actually nice, as he is a well-cadenced and forceful orator. It's listening to what he says that hurts.
To 9:21 PM anon.--You sound tough, like a nut that can't be cracked.Remember, closed minds admit no light.
Republicans don't like to admit that they are closed minded , and you are more than welcome to join them if , and it's a big if , if you look and think exactly as they do . That is the huge difference between the two parties , and what will decide the election in 2008 .Thanks for showing it in a subtle way .
Wow... to anon 9:21...
take a deep breath. First, this is a blog to discuss cartoons, not bash an accomplished cartoonist (the Pulitzer speaks for itself) who has had a very successful career.
The Pulitzer prize means about as much as the Nobel Peace Prize going to Jimmy Carter and Yassar Arafat.
I've learned something that puts into perspective comments like 9:21 Anon made...some people are like poison, don't let them infect you! It works every time!
So, what is his point?
Obama is not ready for the Presidency, he may be in 2012 or 2016.
Hillary is too liberal for me.
I don't know enough to comment on the other fellow.-----------------but I do know there many many more blacks who are better qualified than Obama. They include:
Clarence Thomas
Walter E Williams
J C Watts
Condi Rice
Thomas Sowell
Colin Powell - possible a little
too liberal.
Hillary scares me!!!
Great choices , Clarecce can bring his secretary , Walter wrote an article in today's paper denying Global Warming , Condee's in love with the president .
can't deny the GOP represents the already over-represented - the Dems often look dim representing everything else.
my vote for most over-rated Nobel Peace Prize winner - Henry Kissinger.
Keep it up, Jim - remember, better to light a fire under Anon 921-types than be ignored/
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