Been Busy 2

People Working Cooperatively is a service agency here in Cincy whose mission is to do small-to-medium size home repairs that will allow elderly, disabled and lower-income people to stay in their homes, folks who might otherwise find themselves out on the streets or dependent on government programs.
I'm friends with the wise and generous Chuck Hirt, the co-founder of PWC. Chuck now lives in Slovakia, but back in the day he and I used to drive to the various job sites on the day of Repair Affair (their annual all-volunteer day) and entertain the troops with drawings as they worked. It was a blast and I developed a bond with the agency.
2007 marks PWC's 25th anniversary, and I just finished the celebratory logo for this year's Repair Affair last night in the wee hours.
that's you on top the "2"?...
You have been busy. Wonderful drawing!! Great cause!! Sorry I can't go around with you again this year. Your fan club continues to grow in Slovakia.
Very nice! Cinci is lucky to have Jim Borgman.
Forgive me for asking this question, but I'm confused by part of the Jails/NFL Draft cartoon of last week. What is the shape that echos the front door? A shadow? (At first I thought it might be a screen door, but that would be on the other side, and open outward.)
I am a student of your work and I think it's a lovely piece.
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