Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.


Your cartoon is great but know that Apple's new iPhone product has a proximity sensor built into its faceplate. When you bring the phone up to your face, the phone senses that it is in proximity to your ear and turns off all of its touch-sensitive inputs. Pretty cool, eh?
Actually, I like the ideal of surfing the net with your nose. It would be a good way to mark the device as your own too!
Great 'toon!
I have a question concerning drawing generic people in political cartoons. The character in this particular cartoon resembles the Jeremy character in your Zits cartoon strip. I've noticed the males in other political cartoons you've recently drawn resemble the dad in your cartoon strip. One editor said she wouldn't accept political cartoons from me unless the characters represented minorities. She said the majority of white male cartoonists tend to draw characters that are white and male. I applaud you for having the hispanic and african-american friends of Jeremy in the Zits strip. I've noticed that my recent cartoon submissions have been dominated by white, male characters. I'd be interested in reading the thoughts of other cartoonists concerning this subject of drawing minority characters in political cartoons.
Sometimes if you draw a black person in an editorial cartoon, people automatically read that you're making a comment on black people.
What is the racial breakdown of the readership of the paper you're drawing for?
All of the characters Jim draws look like Zits characters because that is his drawing style. I could pick a Borgman cartoon out of a line up because his people are so readily identifiable. As for the editor who says she won't accept any political cartoons that don't have minorities.. Let her know that reverse discrimination is as ugly as true discrimination. If your cartoon is about President Bush, should you be required to make him look like a minority?
The majority of people who read the Sioux Falls, S.D. Argus Leader, the paper my cartoons appear in, are white and of Norwegian descent. The editor said she was concerned that I was excluding potential readers by not making a concerted effort to draw minorities in my cartoons. My experience, as a published cartoonist since 1979, has been that I've avoided unwanted libel lawsuits by "playing it safe" in drawing white males as the generic people in my political cartoons. I'm not obligated to "make Bush look like a minority" by the Argus. I want to make a concerted effort to include minorities as subject matter in my cartooning. South Dakota has a substantial Native American population. However, my concern is in inadvertantly offending minorities with my satire.
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