Failure to See the Light

Helpful readers and bloggers continue to help me see the error of my ways on the Gonzales/Purgegate matter (above cartoon from last week.) Specifically I've been pointed to this site for edification on the background of the firings of the U.S. prosecutors.
Every time I try to get outraged about this issue I find the sand running through my fingers.
If you know my work, you know that I have an almost knee-jerk reflex to find fault with this administration. After six years, the only thing I admire about Dubya is that he works out every day.
But I still find it tough to get outraged when an acceptable and legal action (the firing of the prosecutors for any reason at all) is simply defended poorly. There has to be an offense at the heart of the matter for the stonewalling around it to be outrageous.
If it comes out that the firings were in some way illegal, I will be the first to jump on the perpetrator (my footprints are already all over Karl Rove).
But if I have a ham sandwich for lunch and tell you I had turkey, it is still legal to have had a ham sandwich. One may legitimately wonder why in the hell I would tell you I had turkey, and that lie may give you added reason to mistrust me. But unless it was wrong to have had a ham sandwich to begin with, the situation is properly filed under Baffling, not Criminal.
Help me understand if I am continuing to miss the point.
A mature and reasonable position to take, Jim. Are you sure you're a cartoonist? %^)
Gonzales is the turkey; Harry Reid the ham.
jim, jim, jim
legal doesn't make it right. we all know beyond a reasonable doubt that this is the most corrupt administration this country has seen in our lifetimes. the attorneys that were fired, were fired because they wouldn't do the political bidding of the neocon party. the attorneys that weren't fired put aside their ethics and did the bidding of the neocons by turning a blind eye to republican malfeasance and inventing issues where none existed with the democrats.
if you say this doesn't matter, then lets go back to the basic argument. being legal doesn't make it right. gonzales, affectionately known as the torture guy says its okay to do whatever we want to the individuals being held in guantanomo. they have even gone so far as to say that since torture is a state secret that if a prisoner talks about being tortured, they are breaking the law.
anywhere you look with this administration, they have turned the world upside down. right is wrong, clean air is polluted, healty forests are clear cut forests, no child left behind is an excuse for gutting our education system. they have perverted all that is good about the united states.
what they have done is wrong on so many levels. the bigger wrong with the attorneys is not that fired some but rather that some in an attempt to hang onto their jobs have allowed their position to be used for political gain.
hopefully you are starting to get it. the situation is a lot more serious than what you or i had for lunch.
I think this administration's biggest problem is not that it is corrupt,but that it fails to communicate what it is doing and why it is important. They were able to do that in 2002 and 2003 really well...after April 9, 2003 when the Democrats stopped their pledge of not critisizing the war/president while troops were in harms way, the administration simply failed to answer why we needed to rebuild Iraq and then began to fail to answer why any of the decisions were important or why they took such actions. Which is probably why this lawyer thing became the issue it has. That said the Democratic Congress is starting to do nothing more than have hearings and have hearings about having hearings. We really need a third party.
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