A Little Help?

I've been wanting to do something on this topic for a long time, but the image has been eluding me. It still lacks something. Does it need a tag line? Not sure I like the board across the chasm, something I saw once in an old Oliphant cartoon. I'm trying to get at the precariousness and vulnerability of those steps during a couple's pregnancy as they sense the Autism issue looming out there.
Input welcome. This is for tomorrow's page.
isn't there some strong evidence linking soaring autism rates with the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccines?
the real gut punch though is that mercury was used to create a multiple use vaccine which was only done to increase big pharma bottom line.
so once more, something we treasure as life saving is compromised and tainted by greed and disregard for human life.
I initially pictured the couple at the edge of the chasm and looking at a hand reaching out toward them from the darkness, but this image really disturbed me. It would probably also offend many with autism who resent being considered "disabled". It's a tough topic: emotionally charged and too much of the unknown...
A tightrope?
Remove the board and place couple on the near side while on the far side is an empty playground. Man looking at book remarks to woman, "The experts say we need to bring our own board..."
A couple of things:
Honestly at first view I didn't recognize the woman was pregnant.
Parents-to-be aren't walking a tightrope or plank (that is, it's not like some wrong move they make will inevitably yield disaster), more like negotiating a forest of various fears and anxieties peering from the trees.
Moreover, I'm not sure why Autism is necessairly the One Big Fear for all possible parents. Several other categories of serious congenital issues are on the rise also, notably autoimmune diseases (indcluding Rheumatoid Arthritis) and Spina Bifida.
Finally, genetic counseling and media reports have made *awareness* of these issues that much greater, and made a time that used to be naively blissful into a time of stress. Maybe *that* idea could be incorporated into the cartoon.
Dear Jim: Everything you do is so very great! Followed your entire career.
You have always been so very talented. I've admired you since you were a teenager.
Knew your dad. Also a great and talented man. God Bless.
Ann Vogelpohl
(Ex Mrs. Frank Shaffer III)
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