Opening Day

Whenever I talk to my buddy on the west coast around this time of year and mention Opening Day, he askes, "Opening day of what?" After a dozen years of this ritual, I have to assume it's just to annoy me, but it reminds me that to much of the misguided world the beginning of baseball season is just another day. Man, what keeps them going through February and March? (Oh yeah, on the west coast the answer would be, "Surfing, going to the beach, strawberry season, biking, hiking....")
Well, here where you can't feel your toes for months at a time the coming of baseball season is sometimes the only thing that keeps us sane. We don't arrive at the park in the third inning and leave in the seventh. We know how to balance two metts and a beer on our laps while we clap for mediocre teams. Thousands of Greater Cincinnatians will line up along a parade route in the rain this morning to watch Pete Rose look-alikes wave from a float.
It's a Cincinnati thing -- you wouldn't understand.
Here in Chicago, we call it "Wait 'Til Next Year!" Day.
Now that the Cubs haven't seen a World Series in 100 years, I think it's time for them to do something besides lose.
How many Reds games do you go to each season, Jim?
A few, maybe three or four games. I think I've come to like the idea of baseball more than the reality of it. I love to have the radio on in the background while I work or drive, but I'm seldom sure of the score and am not always sure from a player's name whether he's on our team. I'm sort of a virtual fan.
Loved the cartoon but you missed an easy one...if the hand had been a lefty...
I agree Jim, I don't think it gets much better than sitting on the balcony with a good book (or in my case homework), a beer, and listening to Marty; even if I don't really pay too much attention to the game.
Marge Schott would be bored
Jerry Springer would be bored
Ronald Reagan would be bored
go ken griffey jr! too bad you can't play for the red sox!!
the talent is somewhere else :)
Doing well with homer odyssey
When the Red Sox finally line up along the first-base side at Fenway a week from tomorrow, the team will be leading the majors in pregame introductions.
More Shaughnessy Another dimension to Sox trip
gallery Photos from the LA Coliseum exhibition
nothing is impossible with God - the Red Sox always give Him the credit and they keep WINNING!!!!!
Guy, just to be clear, this is a cartoon from the '90s (or maybe '80s) that a commenter on the previous post requested. You're right, if this was current, maybe a reference to Nux would have been appropriate.
I noticed a lot of frivolity and collegiality in the radio booth during the first game. Big credit to the radio team for regrouping and turning what could have been a sad vacuum into a hopeful new beginning.
Thanks for posting the picture I didn't even think about it could have ben Nux. Anyway we lost but still, baseball is back and summer is almost here. I know that we get on a lot of tangents on this commenting on your drawings but do you think that we all could get together and fight to outlaw the DH? I know I know posted it in DOC's I read the new rules LOL
Thanks again
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