Thanks For Your Patience

Blogger finally ended its Borgman boycott and here's the work from the last several days.
The bubble in the cartoon about frat boy Marc Dann originally read "'Bout Time" as he was being dragged away, but Dann held on another day and at the last minute I changed the caption to something a bit more equivocal. Late-breaking humor, don't you know.
Hillary's Rust Belt is a rare case of one of my cartoons that might have benefitted from color, but it ran on a Thursday. I tried to make the belt look rusty using tones and body english, but it was really her caricature that I enjoyed.
"Oh, the ...places you'll go!" earns a big thanks to my buddy Jerry Scott who talked me down from the ledge as deadline approached and got me brainstorming aloud long enough to trip across an idea despite myself. Jerry does that for me more than anyone will ever know. A tip of the Hatlo hat, old pal!
Absolutely love the "Oh The Places You'll Go" 'toon. I like your college toons. They give me an eye in on what my parents must have felt when I chose a private, out of state, college. ;)
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