Balancing Home and Work

This cartoon accompanied a Forum piece on the difficulty of balancing work and home life, for moms specifically. I enjoy subjects like this that get away from the headlines. This is the kind of cartoon I'll see pinned to cubicle walls for years to come.
It's also an example of a situation where color hurt the timing of the cartoon. (As a Forum cover piece, color is de rigeur.) The identical coloration of the figures made it apparent too quickly that the women were suspiciously similar. It would have been better if the reader discovered that after reading the caption.
See, this is more like brain surgery than you ever imagined!
I saw this in yesterday's print edition, and didn't get it until I'd read the caption. Well done.
Just because you think it would be better in black and white, would it be possible to show what the black and white version looks like?
You can view a black and white version at:
We have 2 young sons and the best thing we ever did was move in right next door to the grandparents. Got to love built in babysitters!
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