Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.


why is everyone looking forward to this? this country is sick
By David Zinczenko Provided by: Dave Zinczenko's Mysteries of the Sexes Explained Your Man's Infidelity Triggers
Posted Wed, Mar 19, 2008, 10:54 am PDT
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When a high-profile man gets high-profile press for high-price sex, it's enough to get the collective voice of women asking a whole bunch of why questions.
Why do men cheat? Why can't they control themselves? Why do they have to pay for it? The answer may seem simple at first (if he's not being satisfied at home, he'll roam the neighborhood). But the reasons are a little more nuanced than that.
(Globe Staff / Barry Chin)
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The thing that disturbs me about this is that the obsession with 3,000, and now 4,000, reduces the whole thing to the level of a box-score, without stepping back and looking at the pros and cons of the war. It reminds me closely of when Pete Rose was chasing Ty Cobb's record.
A simple question or two: would such a running box-score have been kept in World War II? If not, why not, and how would that be applicable today?
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why is there no outcry from parents? is this country that greedy? must be!
this site is morbid! this country is too! reveling in bush's death games; no wonder this is generation death - everyone is trying to kill each other!
too little too late! 5 years too late! score another one for white republican american christians while the rest of the world's christians are true martyrs
Chaplains salute each of the fallen By SHARON COHEN, AP National Writer
Sun Mar 23, 11:02 PM ET
Chaplain Kevin Wainwright was preparing his Easter Sunday sermon in Iraq when there was a knock on his door.
The news was grim: 1st Lt. Phillip Neel was dead. The young officer and fellow West Point grad had been a regular at the chaplain's Sunday church services. Wainwright knew and admired him. Now he had to find the right words to honor him.
what right does bush have to play russion roulette with poor young defenseless kids' lives who are tricked into believing this is some kind of an adventure or patriotism to throw your life away?
President Bush hugged the Easter Bunny at the start of the annual Easter Egg Roll on Monday, overlooking the South Lawn of the White House in Washington.
(AP Photo / Gerald Herbert)
A man dressed as a Secret Service agent with bunny ears mingled with the crowd.
(Getty Images Photo / Chip Somodevilla)
i know - all this is extraneous bullshit!
thank God they're in a better place than the US of A!!
IMHO > EOCostello (5:53) asks a very pertinent question:
"would such a running box-score have been kept in World War II? If not, why not, and how would that be applicable today?"
I believe that then, President Roosevelt felt the need to communicate to the American people the need for war and Americans responded.
Today, the "Decider" simply tells us what he's going to do (for our own safety, of course). "Trust me"?
And Cheney & W are very clear that they don't "respond to polls" - sounds better than "we don't care what the American people think".
W & "friends" will RESPOND in Jan, 08 when cleaning out for incoming Dem President.
And I don't even like Democrats, generally.
bush is a damned liar
Alleluia! He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!
"The Cross and the Switchblade" David Wilkerson
No one has looked forward to 4,000.
I don't think the cartoon depicts that.
You people act as if Bush is a baseball player trying to break a record or something.
This is one of those lazy cartoons that Borgman spoke against last year.
Jim, I'm sure you've been holding on to this cartoon with ghoulish delight. If there was a Democrat in the White House, though, you'd be sure to come up with some sort of excuse that this number wasn't all that significant. Jim Borgman, partisan hack ...
agreed 7:22...Borgman draws these cartoons with glee.
he won't get rid of the anonymous postings because that's where he gets all his ideas
is that the number of homes flooded again in cincy?
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Who needs coffee when you have the Red Sox to provide your morning jolt? Behind a Brandon Moss game-tying homer in the ninth and a Manny Ramirez (above) two-run double in the 10th, the Red Sox rallied to beat the A's this morning on Opening Day in Tokyo.
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Good visual pun.
Man, haven't the anonymous nut jobs come out of the woodwork for this one.
I take this cartoon to be a slap in the face meant to wake people up. The number is rising and it's a sad, sad thing.
I see no "ghoulish delight" in this. More of a sadness.
Jim, have you thought of requiring a screen name to post on your site? It might cut down on some of the more outrageous comments, as well as all the irrelevant spam. Just a thought.
Of course he takes ghoulish delight. Just another attack on the morale of honest and decent Americans who support the President of the United States and our Armed Forces. There's also a layer of hypocrisy, considering that Borgman would be the biggest cheerleader for the War on Terror if a Democrat was in the White House.
Anonymous @ 9:54, if you can't stand Borgan that much why do you read his stuff? I loath Rush Limbaugh so I don't frequent his website, read his books or listen to his program. That would be stupid. No one wants to be stupid, do they? :)
10:37...surely you're loathing of Limbaugh doesn't prohibit you from criticizing him.You and many more here seem to believe that Borgman's blog should be reserved for his cheerleading squad only,not his detractors.
and 9:52...anonymous is as relevant a screen name as your Hey Barry Larkin is.Are you Barry Larkin? Does Larkin know you're using his name here to post your musings? Doubtful.C'mon.Quit whining.It's embarrassing you.
It's a little hard to avoid reading Borgman's cartoons as they're in the newspaper nearly every day. We the readers are left with little choice. I'd love to live my life without ever seeing one of his leftist scribblings, but the editorial board of the Enquirer and other newspapers seem to be in his backpocket.
what's behind the 4000? is that the moon or hell?
even if the message stinks, should beef up the art
11:45 am
i find a lot of the material the enquirer focuses on is useless and irrelevant compared to some other better newspapers
9:52 am
i am noticing a lot more anonymous folks commenting; your definition of irrelevant is outdated
11:45 am
I would have to say that attending a reds game is a lot more fun!!
thank God the christians are holding up their end of the deal
no difference between right and wrong in america
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