Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.


wow, he came up with a plan for the war overnight!
boston globe
Iraq war protests around the country
Anti-war protesters filed past the White House wearing masks. More photos of protests around the nation
Mass. Local anti-war protests
Eight anti-war protesters arrested at Westover
Special section The Long War: Five years in Iraq
and the issues are...?
Japan boycott averted
The Red Sox ended a threatened boycott today of a spring training game and their flight to Japan, resolving a dispute over paying coaches for the season-opening trip overseas. A major league source said that all staff associated with the trip will be compensated. (Boston Globe, 3:47 p.m.)
discuss Who's to blame for this dispute?
gallery Today's photos from Fort Myers
Schilling, Sox adamant about issue
Varitek explains reasons for boycott
the ultimate question for 2008 is, can Ohio State win???
March 19, 2008
Mike Farrell
Recruiting Analyst
Quarterback Terrelle Pryor, the nation's No. 1 high school football player, has finally made his college choice.
When Signing Day arrived in February, the 6-foot-5, 235-pounder from Jeannette, Pa., wasn't ready to make his decision.
I agree with the comic, we are not ready for a president as Obama displayed himself in "the speech".
He reflected upon his past in a real way, not to color it in any specific light other than to say "this is where I come from".
At the same time he reflected the entire audience because he has so many backgrounds.
We have been used to such polarizing presidents (Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc), a president that can see more than one angle to an issue would be too much of a shock.
The news-feed spam is strange and annoying. I don't know the purpose of such postings but I hope the poster returns to taking their medication as soon as possible. God speed, get well soon.
I wonder why obama doesn't talk about Katrina?
hey hill, read yahoo: mcain is going to win (where do you live? if cincy, you should be an expert)
Go JimBO!
What WE need is a President who warps the New Testament into a social change manifesto. The social gospel, as our Rrrreverand Jeremiah has proclaimed.
Who knew?
Jesus did not come to save humanity from her sins. He came to tell everyone about the mean white Republicans. !
reflective? after hearing BHO speak yesterday I realize we're way the hell away from "unity" if it's commonplace for black churches to go on rants against whites and the country as BHO said.And he DID sit in the front pew and nod his head in agreement when Jerry Wright went off his meds.
your comic is weak,Jim-
rescue a child
Large swaths of the New Testament direct people to social change.
That's kinda what got Jesus in so much trouble with the Pharisees.
D'oh forgot mention:
That's one of the best Obama drawings I've seen.
Folksk like Ted Rall or Scot Adams can really bring home an idea, without great rendering, but some days it's nice to open up the paper and see a piece of art there
Obama ties economic woes to Iraq war By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer
29 minutes ago
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Barack Obama blamed the Iraq war for higher oil prices and skyrocketing debt Thursday as he sought to tie the unpopular war to the slumping economy in working-class West Virginia
Obama Champion's Culture of Death
Recent Articles:
Pro-Lifers Mostly Win at Annual UN Commission on the Status of Women
EU Split Widens as Abortion Roils UN Negotiations/Pro-Lifers Complain About UN Security
The Hope of a Sophist: The Rhetoric of Barack Obama
Obamaholics Unanimous
Colorado Bill Threatens Catholic Hospitals
>>See more Politics articles
February 29, 2008
In [Wednesday] night's debate between Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton, MSNBC moderator Tim Russert asked both presidential candidates whether there was "any word or vote that you'd like to take back" in your "careers in public service." Senator Obama cited his role in a unanimous decision by the U.S. Senate regarding the Terry Schiavo case. He said it was "a mistake" for the Congress "to interject itself into that decision-making process of the families" to settle her fate.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue addressed this issue today:
"So now we know that Obama thinks it was a mistake-the biggest mistake he's ever made in public life-to allow Schiavo's parents the right to petition a federal court over the withdrawal of food and medical services necessary to save her life. Never mind that the vote was merely procedural: it simply allowed the patient's parents the right to ask for federal review, never guaranteeing a particular outcome. Moreover, the bill was case specific-it had no bearing on any case other than Schiavo's, and it explicitly said that ‘nothing in this Act shall constitute a precedent with respect to future legislation.' Yet Obama now says his vote ‘was not something I was comfortable with, but it was not something that I stood on the floor and stopped.' How revealing.
"Just as important as what Obama said is what he didn't say: He could have taken the opportunity to say that the biggest blunder of his career in public life was his vote to kill a bill in the Illinois legislature that would have provided medical care for infants who survive abortions. In 2003, while chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee of the Illinois Senate, he led the fight to oppose a bill that would have mandated health care for a baby who survived an abortion, and he did so even though the bill explicitly said it would not imperil Roe v. Wade.
"In conclusion, Senator Obama thinks it is none of the federal government's business to allow doctors to intentionally starve a person to death, nor is it the law's business to require doctors to attend to the health care of a fully born baby who has survived an abortion. All this from the Minister of Hope."
This update courtesy of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.
no "freedom of speech" for anyone except BHO
Thriving in a recession
It's no longer just people with bad credit who feel the squeeze of a down economy. » 5 golden rules
Find tips for surviving a recession Learn 5 ways to beat inflation
are you a 1. democrat for hillary 2. a republican-democrat for BHO or 3. a republican for mccain?
black poverty is quickly overtaking cincinnati no matter if obabma wins or not
my vote is not for sale
who's on top, hillary or obabma?
the democrats are wholly useless; arguing about a pastor who's obviously done a good job for 20 years, according to obama, while mccain plans the war
Against who?
McCain calls for 'global alliance'
In a speech today, John McCain distanced himself from "go-it-alone" foreign policy sometimes embraced by President Bush. (Globe, 12: 18 p.m.)
Read the full text of John McCain's remarks
hey cincy, where are the buses?
a bunch of nothing
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