R.I.P. Sgt. Matt Maupin

The remains of Sgt. Matt Maupin have been identified after four years of being listed as Missing/Captured in Iraq. Matt was a local soldier and yellow ribbons have remained tied to trees throughout this area since he first went missing on April 9, 2004.
Thank you for a beautiful cartoon. Such a tragic story. For me, Matt has come to represent all of the heroes in our Armed Forces. I am thankful he is coming home at last.
Eloquently done! Very powerful.
Well done.
"And when our work is done,
"Our course on earth is run,
"May it be said, 'Well done.'
"Be thou at peace."
Very well done, Mr. Borgman. There's a tear or two as I'm typing this.
For the last 5 years but especially the last 3 days all I can think is how in the world can I or we as the American public ever say thanks and show our gratitude in any way close to the amount of sacrifice given by the troops and their families. I don't think it is possible.
Thanks Matt! Your service will never be forgotten!
I'm very glad that Matt is coming home. I think what hurts the most after all this time is not only have we lost Matt, but we've lost the little bit of hope that he'd be coming home alive.
You're in my prayers Keith and Carolyn and the entire Maupin family.
A well stroked canvas can touch the heart and soul of a community. This is the very best of Jim Borgman....Thank-you
Thank you to all our veterans. I wish I could shake everyone of your hands for what you gave up for my freedom .I could never repay , but forever will be greatful. Jim great job. RSP Sgt Maupin.
Thanks for the picture, well done Jim.
I think often in daily life we forget the bravery these volunteer soldiers show everyday, his family is in our prayers.
I am curious, when you do a cartoon like this, do you send the original to the family?
Yes. It's the right home for the drawing.
Very classy on your part Mr. Borgman.
I'm a little slow to see this and post. But Jim... you did a good one here. Thank you for highlighting the Sgt.'s work and life.
In more ways then one, Welcome home Matt!
I can't thankyou enough for what you gave for me, my family, and my country.
Beautiful picture.
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