Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.

Skeptics Sited Floating Away on Iceberg
Have you been outside lately? Do I think Warming exists? Possibly. Do I think it's man made? ...nope. Volcanoes have a bigger impact on the warming effect than man ever will. Weather is a cycle it'll be warmer than normal and then colder than normal, over many years. I think the timing of this cartoon is funnier than the cartoon itself.
Doesn't climate change occur naturally?
The climate has always changed -- sometimes abruptly, but never before with human help. Carbon dioxide levels and temperatures are now headed higher than human civilization has experienced. Everyone studying the matter -- including so-called climate "skeptics" -- acknowledges that adding carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere traps more heat, warming the planet.
Don't some scientists dispute global warming?
Few do anymore. Skeptics dispute whether the heat-trapping properties of greenhouse gases are affecting our climate more than natural variability. The most recent draft of the report released today, however, says, "Warming of the climate is unequivocal" and that heating caused by man-made emissions has outpaced natural warming by at least five times.
So there is no serious disagreement among climate scientists?
Quite the contrary. But arguments among scientists actively researching the issue tend to center on questions such as: How fast is the globe likely to warm? What's the most probable amount of sea level rise? How fast will the ocean absorb the heat?
Didn't scientists say 30 years ago that we were headed for an ice age?
It's true that a small group of scientists speculated that the Earth was likely heading into an ice age. According to fossil records, warm climate periods, such as the one we're in now, usually last about 10,000 years -- and it's been about 12,000 for this one so far. Today's report says that, absent greenhouse gases, most regions in the globe would have seen slight cooling in the past few decades -- though certainly not enough to be called an ice age. Bottom line: the widespread agreement today among climate scientists is a far cry from the speculations of a few in the 1970s.
Couldn't a warmer climate be better?
There are upsides to a warmer planet. As the growing seasons lengthen you can plant your vegetables sooner in the spring. More carbon dioxide, which plants turn to food through photosynthesis, generally makes plants grow faster, but it's unclear how much. Places too cold for agriculture could become fertile. But those benefits could easily be outweighed by droughts, flooding, more intense and frequent forest fires and more insects.
Isn't key global warming research like the "hockey stick" wrong? The "hockey stick" refers to a 1998 temperature graph spanning the past 1,000 years showing a rise in the 20th century (the upward bend of the hockey stick). A 2003 critique by an economist and a mining executive said the climate scientists' earlier analysis relied too heavily on reading tree rings in the American West, skewing the recent temperature trend upward. A National Academy of Sciences review deemed some of the criticisms valid but said the original study's basic conclusions were "supported by an array of evidence." At least seven subsequent studies agreed. Finally, the hockey stick was not the foundation of modern climate-change science -- just one of many pieces of evidence.
Isn't it too late to fix it?
Over the past 300 years, people have burned a lot of oil and coal, emitting carbon dioxide. The gas stays in the atmosphere for possibly hundreds of years, so warming already under way will last centuries. Already 3.2 billion metric tons of CO2 is added to the atmosphere annually, and the number is climbing rapidly. Scientists debate when the tipping points will be reached where warming and damage become uncontrollable. But virtually all agree it will help matters to control the release of greenhouse gases.
Scientists blew their earlier projections of sea-level rise, so why should we believe this one?
Actually, the new report only slightly revises the probabilities of some of the most harmful scenarios regarding sea-level rise. The median projection is basically the same as in the last report.
Bottom line: there IS disagreement regarding the causes of climate change. I am tired of being labeled Cro-Magnun when I am skeptical of all of the pop theories, such as those espoused by Borgman.
Think about this for a minute:
Planet Mercury is closest to the sun with an average surface temperature of 300 degrees F.
Venus is farther away from the sun with an average surface temperature of 800 degrees F.
The big difference between these two planets is that Venus has a nice warm blanket of carbon trapping the suns energy. Most of the carbon on Venus is in the atmosphere.
Here on earth where most of the carbon is trapped as fossil fuel underground we have an average temperature of 59 degrees F and rising. It is rising because WE are releasing carbon into our atmosphere by burning these fossil fuels.
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