Jim Borgman has been the Enquirer's editorial cartoonist since 1976. Borgman has won every major award in his field, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize, the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year in 1993, and most recently, the Adamson Award in 2005 as International Cartoonist of the Year. His award-winning daily comic strip Zits, co-created with Jerry Scott, chronicles the life of 15-year-old Jeremy Duncan, his family and friends through the glories and challenges of the teenage years. Since debuting in July 1997, Zits has regularly finished #1 in reader comics polls across America and is syndicated in more than 1300 newspapers around the world.


A good honest man. Penn, Upgrade with Obama!
When he's president, judging by the way he runs his campaign, money will be flowing and we'll be happily employed with internet access.
If it's Hillary, America will be poorly run, slow to react, desperate and rough and in massive amounts of debt.
If it's McCain, more of the same. Fear Terror, Fear Terror, War.
Choose wisely.
U of Pitt was founded in 1787; needs a lot of change...
but of course, it's the North, the most unforgiving part of the country
I love the slightly perplexed look of the guy with the phone and laptop!
I get a kick out of LIBS who are under the impression that America is in the grip of FEAR.I'm not afraid.
LIBS want to blame the RIGHT for their feeling of fear when in fact the terror and any fear thereof is brought about by Islamofacists whose only reason for being is to kill the infidels and the RIGHT is only attempting to prevent that desire from coming to fruition.The LEFT is highly pissed at the RIGHT for having the balls to do that...FOR THEM! The LEFT is fearful of the RIGHT and regards them as the enemy,not guys covered in headscarves with sabers crying Alla Akbar as they saw the head off
Danny Pearl and others.
Do the RIGHT thing,people.If you want to enjoy internet access,flowing capital,and low unemployment,vote McCain.He'll continue to fight terrorists unlike Obama who'd rather sit down and reason with them...naive and boyish as an idea as that is...Hillary will only push through her disastrous social reform agenda.
Obama? A good honest man? Tell me he never heard Wright "go off" in 20 years of Sundays in the front pew as he vehemently claims...
PA supports hillary; at least they are allowed to voice their opinion
I take issue with this part of the Obamaniacs:
I get that Barackstar is running on a campaign promise of change. While that's a great idea, like World Peace or the American Dream, you don't bring it about by saying you want it.
I'd be interested to hear from people who have been visited by Barack on the campaign trail and have seen one ounce of change, or even a lasting impression on the community environment.
If this guy could turn an Amish community wireless, why hasn't he changed America even one bit during his 2 years in Senate?
I really must agree with Ferrell. As a person I like him much better than Hillary. As a president I would much prefer Hillary to him. He really has done nothing, has no credibility (not saying he's unreliable, just has no real experience), and is kind of an empty suit.
If you can look past his rhetoric, try to see how he'll change stuff. You will be stuck.
Looks like it's Reality Check time for 8:04! Funny how he/she claims to be unafraid, then admits to being afraid of the "Islamofascists"!:
Reality Check 1: That whole "Islamofascist" term was conceived as a way to lump secular Iraq with the Fundamentalists we are actually fighting, thus gaining an excuse a nation that was otherwise innocent.
Reality Check 2: It seems "The Left" has the only people who want to fight our actual enemies, while "The Right" wants to continue the failed Iraq fiasco; ignore our actual enemies, while making enemies out of completely unrelated people!
Reality Check 3: Apparently, considering he wants to continue failed Bush policy, a vote for McCain is a vote for a restricted internet, non-flowing capital, and high unemployment.
Reality Check 4: Considering Barack Obama wants to open up Pakistan as a target (where Al Qaeda actually is), pull us out of Iraq (finally some common sense), and deal with nations where the 9-11 attacks were mourned (Iran), he's already ahead of the curve.
Reality Check 5: Thank you for confirming by omission Hillary's foreign policy ability; "disastrous social reform agenda" is an odd way of saying "will finally fix America's many internal ills (infrastructure, health care, etc.)."
Reality Check 6: Considering Rev. Wright "went off" literally every few years, it's doubtful that could be considered a credible reason to leave a community with many other staying factors.
Reality Check
Antonio E. Gonzalez
Los Angeles, CA
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